Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Baby

This week she feels like mine. My Baby. My beautiful, silly, cranky, puzzling, wonderful baby. I love my baby.

Thank you all for all the encouragement. God has continued to meet this little momma with grace and tho Baby is still bewildering at times (don't you love that word?), it's getting better. I feel a lot better. The physical pains are diminishing daily and I'm getting more rest. The past 3 nights have been encouraging. Eva sleeps rather well (3 hour stretches) between the hours of 2am to 7am, waking only briefly for feedings. I can handle that. :) She's eating a lot, tho not consistantly. We'll figure it out.
These past weeks we've seen the doctor a couple times to check weight and measurements. Evangeline is a healthy, growing girl! Her head is a little tiny (25%), but it's growing! She gained a whole pound last week too! Mommy is doing her job well, said Dr. Gunter. (we love him)

She's outgrown her premie clothes that Grammy bought her the day she was born. (That's all that would fit!) But she still looks funny in a lot of her regular sized stuff. I know, I know... "She'll be big before I know it!"

Oh! and oh-happy-day, her cord-yucky fell off yesterday! Hooray! No more icky black thingy! (I know it's called her "imbilicus" but that sounds so steril. not gross enough.) Now her perfect belly button, an innie-outie for now, can show it's ultra cuteness.

Speaking of ultra-cuteness, here are some much-demanded new pictures of Baby Girl for all her many fans to enjoy.

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