Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update: Coming Clean (and fresh)

Thanks to all my marvelous blogging and blog-reading buddies, I have discovered solutions for my house-wifery problems! Remember those stinky towels? Well, I bought some bleach alternative (thanks Naomi), washed them with less detergent (thanks Lora), and double-rinsed them (thanks Marge), and.... wha la! Fresh towels! Hooray!

And remember that filmy residue on all my baby bottles? Well, thanks to Jane and Becky and their rinse-aid idea, we have had less film and more shine. (nothing beats hand-washing tho!)

(don't you just love this picture with the shiny dishes? naturally, that gorgeous woman represents me in every sense. yes, i do wash my dishes in my Sunday-best and full make-up, my husband is always distracted from his work by my gloriously shiny dishes and giant apron bow, and of course my waist is smaller than my hair-do!)

Thanks again to all my helpful friends out there in the Blogosphere. My home-maker duties are lighter with all the good advise from you!


  1. Thanks for posting the help you received. I was wondering what I would do with stinky towels. :)

  2. you crack me up....i dress like that doing chores too:)

  3. I love your blog! We just started one and would love for you to check us out :)

    It was so wonderful seeing you!

    Give a kiss to Eva for us!
