Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yellow Spot

Daddy found someone creeping through the yard last week, and now E has a new pet. His name is Yellow-Spot. He likes eating tomatoes and cat food, swimming in his pool with ice cubes (it's been 100 degrees or higher several days this month), and attempting to escape whenever he's taken out for his morning walk. His "Mommy" Eva is very attentive and enjoys offering him sticks to climb on and scolding him for naughtiness in trying to run away again. 

He'll be staying for a few weeks, then he'll go off on his "adventure" into the woods as we set him free. Note:  In the top corner picture Eva is holding her hands off the grass... this is because she's hyper-conscious that she's touching Yellow Spot and that she needs to wash her hands or she could get "Sal Vanilla" virus, as we like to say. 

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