Friday, September 14, 2012

"Jumping" Into the First Week of School

Eva and Mummzie started some preschool lessons this past winter, and we loved it, so we were both excited to start again this "semester" and post things up on our magnetic "school board." (Drip pan for changing auto oil. $10 at my Walmart!) In case y'all care, I'm using a couple sources online and building her curriculum weekly. We're studying the weather, shapes, numbers and counting, letters and writing, scripture memory and bible stories, calendar days, rules of our house, animals, the human body, cooking, and colors. Both of us have a favorite part of school, and that's checking the weather and posting it with our felt forecast pieces. Totally fun. Hopefully, when it's Dre's turn we'll have this all setup and easy to use. Learning as we go!
Where's Dre during this time, you ask? Having his "Dre Time," as Eva calls it, in his pack 'n play filled with balls downstairs yelling happily. Grateful for sweet kiddos.

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