Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh Happy Dre!

The transition work is done, the meetings are over, the papers are signed, Dre is home at last!

Our fabulous social worker, Colby.

Our nervous little guy all packed up to go. It's okay, buddy, I'm not leavin' ya. Like ever.

Earthquake craziness traffic = lots of time to rest!

The Welcoming Committee

i heart martinos. Thank you, girls, for this!

 Does he ever wake up? She sat with him for 15min like this.

Dre brought a present! Okay, he can stay.

With Yum-Yum (Adam's mom)

Welcome to our hearts and home, little man.


  1. Wonderful! So glad he's home and expanded-Campbell-family life can begin. :)Enjoy!!

  2. I AM SO HAPPY FOR ALL OF YOU!!!!!! I had no idea it was happening so soon. Hopefully, you will come visit Charlotte so I can meet him, or when I am traveling to MD next time, I will stop by and meet him. The pictures are adorable.

  3. thought of you all day Tuesday. God is good. Lovin' that baby. and you.
