Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vacationing at Surfside

Hello all!
We just got back this week from our super-fun first ever family vacation! Here's what we did...

We wore our favorite hats...

Hit the batting cages... This is me.This is me missing the ball. (though i did get a piece of most of them.)

This is the sign that Adam wanted be to put on the next photo... This is Adam. These are his mad skills.

This is us getting some ice cream.

Adam got a large. I got a small.
(That's Huckleberry deliciousness right there) We tried the pool...

...but not too much.

We went for a night-time beach walk...
...and tried the ocean.
It was warm!
What a blessing to get away as a family! God is good to us.


  1. I'm glad to see you had soo much fun.. I think Abram is jealous of Adam with that huge ice cream ;-D!! Oh I posted pic's of the front of the house..

  2. So glad she got use out of that cute swimsuit ;) So glad you had a great vacation! Super cute matchy matchy red dresses too!

  3. That looks like SUCH a great vacation!! What a special first! I agree about the red dresses...I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks matching is fun and cute rather than sickening :-) Little Eva is a doll and I can't wait to meet her when we visit in September.

  4. Eva is so cute! I too love the dresses.
    Did Adam eat the whole thing? ;D

  5. I shall add my voice to the love of the red dresses:) From whence did your red dress issue? I might rip off your style......

  6. In response to the comment on my blog, incase you miss seeing it on my blog, Abram wanted me to post this:

    "Large and unsightly, how dare you call our cars that? They are not blocking the sidewalk at all, they are sitting in the driveway. Can't you tell the difference? As far as the lawn ornament goes, I'm not sure what your looking at, but what we see is something quite beautiful!" - Abram.
