Saturday, October 31, 2009


it's Eva heer y'all. tooday wuz my furst tricky-treet.

i wannid go as a Panthers cheergirl...i wore dis to church...

... but mummzie wannid me be a puppy so i wuz. but i dinnot let her put dos ears on me. nope.

me scored.

den daddy gived me dees 2 yummy tings rite befor bed.

dey taysted like yum...

... but dey made me crazy-go-nuts and i drinked my glostik.

so now mummzie put me in bed and i can see me belly glo-ing.
it's whoa.


  1. You've got a cute puppy there! And I absolutely love the cheer outfit! That's my little Panther fan! :) Hope you had fun meeting the neighbors!

  2. hehe love the glo stick part. Cute little girl. She looks a lot like Adam... only not. :-)
