Saturday, October 27, 2012

Eva Quotes: Just Daddy

Some new or forgotten quotes from Sept/Oct:
e: "You don't really play with me much, so how about you play with me today?"
M: "What? We played with acorns yesterday, and jumped in the leaves, and we gardened... remember?"
e: "Well, yes...I remember those ...but I don't actually like it when we play together. I like to play with Daddy. Just Daddy actually."
M:"Our Daddy is the strongest daddy in the WORLD!"
e (with nose scrunch and condescension) : "Um, there's God."
Talking about praying for someone for the 3rd time...
e: "We already prayed for him though, Mama."
M: "Yes, but he still wants us to pray for him because he still needs God's help."
e: "It seems like God is saying, 'In just a minute, just a minute.' "
M:"There, Dre is down, let's you and me get to our chores."
e:"Ah yes, and let's make some chai (tea)."

That's my girl.

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