Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eva Quote: Magical Clean

M:"e, can you go wash your face, please?"
e:"Yes, Mom."
5 minutes later, e appears and triumphantly shows off a clean face.
e (with hands on hips): "Ta-da! I didn't clean my face!"
M (confused): "What?"
e: "Nope, I DIDN'T clean my face, I use magic!"
M: "Oh yeah? How did that go down?"
e: "I was in the bathroom, and my fairygodmother appeared and swished my face clean with a wave of her wand."
M: "Alright, well, I'm just glad your face is clean."
e (suddenly serious): "That didn't really happen, Mom. I actually wiped my face clean like you said to. I'm just kidding about the magic thing."
M: "Thanks for clarifying."

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