Wednesday, April 9, 2008

She is she

So, I'm nine months pregnant and this is how I look...

and this is how I feel...
Baby is doing great, says Dr. Kim, but is a little smaller than average. Healthy small tho. (Way to go Little Girl! Keep Mommy from getting too uncomfortable!) Right now she's 5lbs. and 12 oz. If she grows at a rate of a half pound a week than that puts her between 7 and 8lbs. at birth. That's not too scary. :) Carol (Adam's mom) had all 9-pounders and my mom had several of those too. Sounds like it's time for a new poll! How much will Baby Campbell weight?

She is still a she according to the sonogram this morning. No pictures, sorry. We got to see her some, but not very clearly. She's kinda crammed in there. Her heart was the most fascinating thing; you could see all 4 chambers. When we got a look at her little face it was all strange and funny, not like a baby. (I thought she looked like she was wearing an army helmet.) It was kinda disappointing, but Adam reassured me, "She's beautiful and she will be beautiful when we get to really see her in a few weeks. And if she isn't, then I take full responsibility for the affects of my side of the gene pool. By the way, I thought I warned you..."

That man is awesome.

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