Friday, February 27, 2009

A Secret Email

To: Eva -(Mommy don't read)

From: Dada

Hello my mini-love,

Don't tell mommy, but I was able to make reservations for Monday morning for us to go eat some peanut butter cup chocolate ice cream, then to have something healthy, we'll have some strawberries!

Anyway, then we'll go get our hunting gear for our trip. Can't wait to kill and eat a raw animal with you.

Remember, mommy can't know. Our cover is we are just going out to buy her a shiny new necklace. Don't worry, she forgets!

Love you. Throw more meat in mommy's casserole.



  1. Dear Emily... I have suspicions that your husband is going to make your baby eat uncooked squirrel. If this should happen I believe it will surelykill her pure and perfect Hawkins side and the Campbell side will surely begin to take over. Once this has happened there is no going back... Beware of the shiny necklace.... beware!!!!

  2. I didn't take you, Adam, for the hunting type. :-D

  3. Adam, I knew that minor in Women's Studies would pay off sooner or sly dog.
