Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School!

Today is Adam's first day of Pastors College classes!

He was kinda nervous...

... but mostly excited! (really, really excited here)

And here's a picture of the classroom. (courtesy of Amanda)

"When the Cause of God invites you, give yourself to it!" - Spurgeon
"I'm ready, Baby! It's time. Time to go answer the call!" - A. C.


  1. Your pictures made me smile :-)
    And I love the quotes at the end. Good job girly!

  2. Go get 'em Adam. We miss you at the office!

  3. I hope that you love it! Make lots of memories. The friendships we made that year are still very sweet today. In 33 days we get to share a house with two of the families (then just couples) that we met there. 11 children Ainsley's age and under. We're still making memories.

    We'll be praying for you all.


  4. hehe the middle one looks like a "But Mom, I don't want my picture taken" look

  5. Wow, those pictures have the "first day of school look" especially with the what looks like the lunch bags. We loved the quotes. Hope the first day went well.

  6. i hope Adam makes friends and that the other boys are nice to him and don't make fun of him for being weird. And for smelling kinda strange.

  7. That's great...so funny. When Aaron started walking to meet his carpool on the first day of classes, it made me want to go run to get the camera. I may just have to do that still. :)

  8. Oh goodness, Em! I loved the first picture. You two such fun ones:)

  9. What a big boy he is!! So exciting to go on a new adventure1 Tell him to play nice!


  10. wow. they've really spruced up the place.
    Love the pics, Em.
