Monday, August 3, 2009

What Eva's been up to...

It's been a little while since I did a Babygirl update.

Evangeline will be 15 months old this month and has 4 new teeth.

She's currently walking, but you'll find her speed-crawling for efficiency often throughout the day.

She loves to "fix" things (seen below) and problem solve.

Her personality is daily evolving much to the delight and sometimes fright of Mummzie and Dad. She quite the little sponge and is mimicking all her new buddies quicks and silliness. When she's overwhelmed, for example, she smacks herself in the forehead. Where did she get that one from??? There's too many possible teachers here!

Her favorite songs are "Ho Why Dod" (Holy God - Gospel Song), "Ee O" (Old McDonald) and "Nay Tee Zee" (ABCs)

Her favorite toys are her buddy Faith's dollies, any plastic spoon or fork, and books.

She's learned to go down the porch steps, but not a whole staircase yet (too scary!). Also learned, unfortunately, barking like Levi-dog.

(I think she's praying here...)

New words include, "Uh, Oh! Wawo!" (spaghetti-o) and "weee!" (when baby doll is riding in the stroller) When Eva plays, she totally makes different voices for the different dolls ... one is deep and scruffy sounding and the other is high and squeaky. (Mummzie and Dad??)

Favorite foods are goldfish crackers, raisins, and FRUIT!

We're even beginning a little utensil training. A very little.

One disastrous munchkin. Thanks for breakfast, Daddy!

Eva loves her buddy Ruth Delage (10 mos.). I think she envies her afro-poof.

...and her bling.
(I think she's noticed that Ruthie is borrowing her necklace for the "Ebony and Ivory" photo shoot.)

Ru-Ru is so beautiful!

They love each other, right girls?


  1. Eva is growing up so fast! I can't believe how beautiful she is! Hope you all are doing well and that we get to see you again soon!

  2. Loved the update!!! Loved the shot of her eating breakfast. Just wait til Thanksgiving!!! :-D!!

  3. I miss my girlies (big and small!)So fun to see new pics and hear the updates--can't wait to see her in action--hopefully soon!

    Love, Love, Love!!

  4. Great pictures Em! Eva is stunning:) I love the blue jellies!

  5. Eva is SO cute! :) And it seems like she has quite the personality! Thanks for all your great pictures.

  6. Mike says "I hit myself when I'm overwhelmed too!"

    we both love seeing how see's growing! We also both love her red hair. Here in Oz she'd be called a 'ranger'!

    Love you!

  7. Wow those girlys are adorable!! Can'tvwait to see them again!

  8. Wow, she's already grown up so much since June! Miss you guys!
